My main love language is:
Words of Affirmation
One of your deepest needs is the need to feel appreciated. Verbal compliments, words of appreciation and encouragement are all ways to show love to you.
My test summary
Words of Affirmation
Quality Time
Physical Touch
Acts & Services
Receiving Gifts
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Your personalised test results
Words of Affirmation
You thrive on words of kindness, encouragement, and appreciation. When someone expresses how much they care about you or compliments your unique traits, it lights up your world. A thoughtful message or a heartfelt “I love you” resonates deeply with your heart. These verbal affirmations aren’t just words to you—they’re a reflection of love itself. Keep embracing your love for meaningful conversations and cherish the bonds that grow stronger with every genuine exchange.
Quality Time
You enjoy quality time, but it’s not the sole way you connect with others. While undivided attention is nice, it doesn’t always define your sense of love. Sometimes, shared time feels meaningful, but other gestures might resonate even more. You appreciate being together, but it’s just one part of how you build relationships. Your heart responds to a variety of expressions, creating a balance that feels right for you.
Physical Touch
You appreciate physical touch, but it’s not the foundation of your love language. A hug or a gentle touch can feel nice, but it doesn’t define how you feel most loved. While you value closeness, other gestures might resonate more strongly with you. Physical touch is a piece of the puzzle, but not the whole picture. Your connections thrive on a mix of love expressions that make you feel whole.
Acts & Services
Acts of service don’t stand out as your love language. While you can acknowledge the kindness behind someone’s actions, they don’t make you feel especially loved. You prefer other ways of connection that speak more deeply to your heart. For you, love isn’t about what someone does but how they make you feel in other, more personal ways. And that’s a beautiful thing!
Receiving Gifts
Receiving gifts doesn’t resonate deeply with you as a love language. While you might appreciate a thoughtful present, it’s not how you gauge someone’s feelings for you. Other expressions of love, like time spent together or heartfelt words, mean far more to you. Gifts feel secondary or even unnecessary compared to what truly warms your heart. You know that love is about presence, not presents.